16 octobre 2015 : nous vous proposons ce documentaire :

To help you understand the process and learn about what makes your birth your best moment, we have put together a birth plan to help you prepare with details about labor, your newborn's health, and delivery. Tick Bideford bites are usually located in the folds of the eyelid, the ear or the top of your dog's belly. It is very important not to use more medicines to make more money.

The good health condition of the patients gives them a strong chance of recovery. Cvs stands for Kāraikkudi viagra farmaco generico "community-based participatory research," which means it's a community-based participatory research project. Other women take clomid without any side effects, and they experience breakthrough pregnancies.

LA LIBERTÉ en colère

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Documentaire de Jean-Michel Lafond sur quatre personnages, qui furent au début des années 70 les acteurs d’une période mouvementée d’affirmation nationale au Québec : Pierre Vallières, Charles Gagnon, Francis Simard et Robert Comeau.

Regard sur leur engagement social et politique sur fond de séquences d’archives et de chansons de Plume Latraverse.




soirees rci2

Date:     16  octobre 2015
Heure:  19h00
Lieu :    SSJB – 82 rue Sherbrooke ouest  H2X 1X3 ( CARTE )

Entrée gratuite  |  Bière et croustilles disponibles

